
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cara Mengatur Spasi Pada Word

tags : Tips, Tips Word, cara mengatur spasi pada Word 

Jarak spasi yang dimaksud disini adalah jarak antar baris dalam suatu tulisan atau paragraph. Semakin besar spasinya, maka jarak antara baris tulisan diatas dan dibawahnya akan menjadi lebih besar. Secara default Microsoft Word mengatur spasi dengan ukuran spasi 1 (single). Kita bisa mengatur jarak spasi menjadi 1,5 atau double ( 2). Namun demikian kita masih bisa untuk mengatur sendiri jarak spasi yang kita inginkan, sperti 1,3 ; 1,7 ; atau yang lainnya.

Untuk mengatur jarak spasi di MS Word, yang dilakukan adalah :
  1. Sebelum menulis dilembar kerja, kita bisa langsung mengatur jarak spasi. Atau bisa juga mengetik dahulu kemudian baru diatur jarak spasinya, tentu saja sebelum diatur jarak spasinya, ketikan harus diblok terlebih dahulu.
  2. Klik menu Home kemudian pilih tanda panah dipojok kanan bawah pada group menu Paragraph.

  3. Klik tab Indents and Spacing,pada pilihan Line Spacing klik tombol dropdown disebelah tulisan single.
  4. Pilih salah satu pilihan spasi yang tersedia single, 1,5 atau double.

  5. Jika anda menginginkan spasi sendiri, maka setelah menekan tombol dropdown pilihlah pilihan multiple.
  6. Disebelah kanannya terdapat pilihan At. Dan isilah sesuai yang anda inginkan, missal spasi 1,3 ; 1,7 ; 2,2 atau yang lainnya.

  7. Klik OK.

Cara yang lain mengatur jarak spasi ketikan adalah dengan menekan tombol perintah Line and paragraph Spacing pada group menu paragraph, kemudian pilih salah satu spasi yang diinginkan atau pilih line spacing options untuk mengatur spasi sesuai dengan keinginan seperti langkah diatas.

Ada satu lagi cara cepat untuk mengatur jarak spasi tulisan di MS Word, yaitu :
  • Ctrl + 1 untuk jarak spasi 1
  • Ctrl + 5 untuk jarak spasi 1,5
  • Ctrl + 2 untuk jarak spasi double (2)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Forsaken World Mystic Diciple Riddles Guide

tags : Forsaken World Quest Guide,forsaken world quest,fw quest guide,fw ques, Mystic Diciple Quest,  Riddle Quest 

Question: I'm always cut on the table, yet nobody wants to eat me. What am I?
Answer: A deck of Cards
Thanks to LeiaFriday from Illyfue for confirming this

Question: There are holes on top of me, holes on the bottom of me and holes on the sides of me, but I'm really good at holding water. What am I?
Answer: A sponge
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: The person that makes me doesn't want me, the person that buys me, doesn't use me and the person that uses me never sees me. What am I?
Answer: A Casket.
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: What is the name of the Lionheart Champions reputation agent garrisoned at Freedom Harbor?
Answer: Sophia the Lionheart.
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: I am the most powerful force in the world. I can rust metal, topple mountains and I can kill every person on the planet. What am I?
Answer: The ravages of time.
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: My yesterday is Wednesday's tomorrow. My tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday. What am I?
Answer: Friday
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: According to Erydian lore, there is one item that can remove the curse inflicted by a werewolf bite. What is it?
Answer: An Angel's Blessing flower.
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: I am under your feet almost every day. No matter how fast you run, I can keep up. I always seem to disappear under the midday sun. What am I?
Answer: My shadow.
Thanks to Lurrah from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: How many kinds of Ratkin is there on Eyrda?
Answer: 2
Thanks to Elerthea from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: Which of the following professions is unsuitable for humans to practice?
Thanks to Elerthea from Lionheart for confirming this

Question: My only purpose in life is to consume everything I come into contact with. Everything I touch becomes red instantly. What am I?
Answer: Fire
Thanks to ZephyrFalcon from Illyfue and bohdmg for confirming this

Question: I got 100 feets, but can not stand. I have a long neck but no head. What am I?
Answer: A Broom
Thanks to thedeadstar for confirming this

Question: Who threatens the continent of Oeste?
Answer: The Storm Legion
Thanks to thedeadstar for confirming this

Big-ass Question: A green room contains a white room.
The white room contains a red room.
The red room contains a black spot.
I am the spot
What am I?
Answer: A Watermelon Seed
Thanks to thedeadstar for confirming the answer, and lan6000 for the complete question

Question: What race of creatures stole the goods form Jerry's caravan on Kalaires Plain?
Answer: The Ratkin
Thanks to LeiaFriday from Illyfue and thedeadstar and for confirming the answer

Question: How many people do you usually see loitering about on Charlie's Tavern?
Answer: 13
Thanks to shadowhawke for confirming the answer

Question: While on my way to Freedom Harbor, I saw a wealthy noble with seven wives. Each of his wives had seven sons, and each of his seven sons had seven servants. How many people traveled to Freedom Harbor in that group?
Answer: Just one
Thanks to Rocallis from Illyfue for confirming the answer

Friday, April 13, 2012

Forsaken world Special Quest

tags : Forsaken World Quest Guide,forsaken world quest,fw quest guide,fw quest, forsaken world special quest

Special Quests

Special Quests will give you a ton of xp but they can waste your time if you're not good at hide and seek.
I will list the quests by the required lvl so it will be easy for you to find the quest your on.

Lv.20 Tragedy and Love

1.Talk to Morin pick up the quest

2.Talk to the Teleporter in the same town

3.Port back to the main map and talk to Lian

4.Kill the Vampire Baron at the top of the hill in the cemetary then report back to Lian(there should be a link for the Baron)
5.Go back up the hill, and click the tombstone behind the windmill to the npc that spawns, accept the quest then head to maxwell.

7.port back to town and talk to npc Rida and then Hugh

8. Find Marr at Iron Claw

9. port back to town and talk to rida
Reward 12000xp

Lv.22 After War

1. talk to Morin

2. port back to Freedom Harbor and talk to hugh Sutherland
3. Talk to Susan (there should be a link to her)

4. Talk to Wott @ the tavern
5. Go to the secret room in the 9th district, there is an npc standing infront of the door. He will give you a list for the code, the answer is 2nd option and then the next question the 1st option.

6. Kill the 3 bosses then talk to Kevin behind the counter
7. Run back and talk to Susan
8. Then talk to Wott
9. Port to the cemetary and run east along the river and you will see the Lancet Keepers And Robby.

10. Once you kill the lancet keepers talk to Robby
11.Port back and talk to Susan
12.Port to twilight town and check your map, you will see a red dot, that is robby

13.Go back to the main city and Talk to Hugh Sutherland
14.Talk to Susan

Reward 13950 xp

Lv.23 Gift

Note: to make this quest faster, have 3 cods, scissors from the grocer, and 1 lavender)

1.Starter NPC Annie (she's infront of a tomb stone)

2.Go to Susan and ask for puppet

3.Go to grocer and buy Scissors (2nd Tab)

4.Go back to susan and wait for her to craft the puppets.
5.Go to Annie and give the puppet
6.Go to the Lake in Freedom Harbor and keep killing crabs until the gem drops

7.Hand the Gem into Annie
8.Go Back to the shore of the desert and fish 3 cods, or buy them off other players. (Note: you will need lvl 2 fishing to fish cod)
9.Gather 1 lavender and go back to annie (lvl1 gather skill, you can find lavender outside freedom harbor, it's the purple plant)

Reward: 11k xp

Lv.25 Werewolf's Plan to morin to gronny

3.Find the werewolf at bloodclaw encampment and give him bottle of blood

4.he will transform into a human, then talk to him again
5.go back to Gronny to general sutherland to christopher
8.Find Jacob (he's right outside the monestary) to Andrew (The priest in the monestary)

Reward 14k XP and 10 crystals

This will unlock another quest

Lv.25 Fallen Elf

1.Talk to Andrew
2.Find Reed

3.An Elf sin will appear, kill it
4.Go back to Andrew
5.Talk to The Elf Priestess at Freedom Harbor

6.Talk to General Sutherland

Reward: 12k xp and 10 more crystals

This unlocks another quest

Lv.25 The Undercurrent

talk to Sutherland
2.go to tavern talk to wott
3.Talk to Luia, she will give you potion
4.Right click the potion, the go to pirate leader john

5.Talk to general sutherland
6.Go into the front door of the Villa, there will be a shiny thing to the right, click it, you will get infected.

7.Port to Andrew since hes the only one who can cure illness from special qeusts
8.Find the priestess on the cliff on the other side of the monestary

9.Talk to her again
10.Go back to Jacob again, he down the cliff of the monestary (check #8 pic of werewolf quest above)
11.A scene will appear watch it to the end.
12. port back to town and report to general sutherland
Reward:19k xp and special crystal

Lv.28 The Missing Soldier

Note: To make this quest faster have 10 hyacinths, 1 glass flask lvl4, and 3 mercury ore

1.Talk to Teemer

2. Talk with Muller

3.find the npc in the half moon oasis to the left

4.Go to the grocer in town to buy the supplies

5.Go back to the npc at oasis
6.Do what he says till you get to the part where he tells you to find the librarian to the north west

7. Bring the librarian the following materials,10 hyacinths(purple flowers you can gather in the desert with lvl 3 gathering), glass flask lvl 4 (which you can buy from the alchemy tutor in freedom harbor), and 3 mercury ore (which i bought from another player)
8. wait for him to craft you the item
9.Once you get the potion run back to the half moon oasis and talk to murren
10.Find the chained demon and kill it, he patrols in a line like the picture below

Reward: 27k xp

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reading Quest Guide

tags : Forsaken World Quest Guide,forsaken world quest,fw quest guide,fw quest
Here's a list of Knowledge(Read)Quiz answers i got from here. It's not 100% complete and I'm not sure if its 100% synced to the PH version but is has served me well so far. I hope it helps you guys out too. Sayang eh, malaking exp din to.


Question: «…»
Answer: «To avenge his sister»

Into the Darkness:
Question: «What Creature is the treasure hunter after?»
Answer: «Shadow Dragon»

Question: «…»
Answer: «Because he was in a crazy cult»

Question: «…»
Answer: «Human Mage»

In the Darkness:
Question: «What kind of song is described?»
Answer: «Lost and Damned»

Question: «what was the lawyer like?”
Answer: «a gassy person»

Good and Evil:
Question: «What Witchcraft did the leading character get?”
Answer: «Detect Evil»

Question: «Which kind of person think is as fickle as an ocean?”
Answer: «Women“

Question: «What is the little boys title after he grew up»
Answer: «Eloquent Negotiator“

Question: «Which of the three boatmen , did not die?”
Answer: «The Third Boatman»


Question: «What does the main character become?»
Answer: «A frog»

Wrist Blade:
Question: «Who kills the hero?»
Answer: «The robber»

Question: «Who are the three mobs?»
Answer: «Growth ,Time ,and Death»

Question: «What did the hero do before»
Answer: «a thief»

Foul Books:
Question: «What type of magic does the book have»
Answer: «The holder can cast magic as he like»

A Day:
Question: «In Anecdote 6: A Day, although the dramatic character is a Werewolf, what does he do?»
Answer: «Farmer»

Question: «…»
Answer: «Tell people who is the most beautiful woman in the world.»

Path of Glory:
Question: «…»
Answer: «Knight»

Question: «What dose the dramatis personae betray?»
Answer: «To become an ethereal being»

Question: «In Anecdote 10: Dream, what dose this story illustrate for?»
Answer: «Day dream can not come true»

Quiet Sea

Question: «Whats the main theme of the story»
Answer: «A tale of Love»

Question: «Tell me, in Quiet Sea 2: Promise, does the man who left his home go back to his hometown in the end?»
Answer: «No, he doesn’t.»

Question: «Who does the Assassin kill by accident?»
Answer: «His Lover»

Question: «…»
Answer: «…“not love not mercy

Question: «What kind of flower is next to the tombstone?»
Answer: «Paradise Singer»

Question: «Where does the Duke find the weeping plants?»
Answer: «The wettest darkest place he could find»

Question: «What is the woman’s motives»
Answer: «She’s motivated by love»

Question: «What were the two species of birds?»
Answer: «berghaans and Phoenix»

Question: «What did you learn?»
Answer: «Consider all things without prejudice»

Question: «What Did you learn about people?»
Answer: «People hate compromise»


Question: «What race is the main character?»
Answer: «Fishkin»

Question: «What does the story tell us about?»
Answer: «Old man and his former lover»

Question: «Can love be found or not?»
Answer: «Love can not be found,because it depends on luck»

Question: «…»
Answer: «…“The Past Can Guide me»

Question: «About humans»
Answer: «We will destroy ourselves»

Soul Lost:
Question: «Who is the main character»
Answer: «A concubine»

The Past:
Question: «…»
Answer: «A mummy»

Question: «How does the fish die?»
Answer: «He was killed by the city guards at the gate»

Question: «…»
Answer: «…»

Blank Paper:
Question: «…»
Answer: «To be left blank and untouched»

Night Tale

Black Cat:
Question: «What is Black Cat really?»
Answer: «A soldier»

Question: «What type of meat does Charlie’s tavern serve?»
Answer: «Human Flesh»

Keep Secret:
Question: «…»
Answer: «only the dead keep secrets»

Question: «What does this tell us»
Answer: «Arrogant people will be killed by carelessness»

Question: «What is the name of the leading character»
Answer: «Wint»

Question: «What does Mr. Ayr give up everything for?»
Answer: «Eternal Life»

Bloody Wealth:
Question: «…»
Answer: «A Naga»

Question: «…»
Answer: «Ignorance»

Question: «What do you learn?»
Answer: «You may pay a high price for changing your habits»

Question: «…»
Answer: «I wished for living in dream. Now the dream is my lonely wine»

Song of Daylight

Question: «What item does the adventurer obtain at the end»
Answer: «A love letter»

Question: «Who ends up being the murderer?»
Answer: «The main character»

Question: «Who is the story about?»
Answer: «Nicolas»

Question: «…»
Answer: «A Large Wolf»

Day and Night:
Question: « What faction does the narrator belong to?»
Answer: «Storm Legion»

Question: «what does the narrator explain about mortals?»
Answer: «Hind sight is always 20/20»

Question: «For what purpose do the soldiers sacrifice themselves»
Answer: «To Protect the Nobility»

A Letter:
Question: «…»
Answer: «Pan»

Question: «What is the Necromancers Name?»
Answer: «Marquis of Voidcairn»

Question: «Does the narrator join the Brother of Blindness»
Answer: «Yes he does»


Question: «…»
Answer: «Light Protecting Clothes and easy hiding weapon»

Question: «…»
Answer: «Mole,Jackal»

Question: «Does the Hero finish his task»
Answer: «No»

Question: «Who talks with the prophet,does he realize his death?»
Answer: «Skylark , he realizes»

Question: «why did the mummy die, in the gate of the villlage?»
Answer: «Dead for protecting village, and his loved women»

Question: «What is the dramatis personae wish?»
Answer: «Deadless»

Question: «What is the flea’s name?»
Answer: «Aschir»

Remember Her:
Question: «…»
Answer: «Killed Anna and gave the corpse to John»

Question: «…»
Answer: «…“They joined to avoid being killed.

Adventure Log:
Question: «Did The adventurer save the Grave Robber?»
Answer: «No He Didn’t»


Question: «What do they use to open the chest»
Answer: «The blood of their companions»

Question: «which of these concepts are quotes about»
Answer: «Earthly treasures are easier to come by than those of the heart»

Last One:
Question: «…»
Answer: «The Bard»

Key Weapon:
Question: «…»
Answer: «Human mind»

Treasure Map:
Question: «…»
Answer: «You can’t rely on a treasure map»

Question: «…»
Answer: «YES»

Last Opportunity:
Question: «what kind of necklace did Karrey own?»
Answer: «One that allows the wearer to transforms into a roach»

Question: «What do the people of the alternate dimension worship»
Answer: «A stone statue»

Question: «Did the story of the king go unchanged through the ages?»
Answer: «Yes»

Question: «In Whisper 10: Impossible, what is the God of Creation unable to do?»
Answer: «Get humans to stop fighting each other»